Hi howdy hello!🤙🏼
I’m in Kenya! Here are some reflections I got:)
The first day that we arrived at our ministry site, New Dawn, I wrote to this in my journal;
“I don’t feel I can write in words how amazing our past 10 hours here have been. The hugs, smiles, joy, food, Mama Nancy, girls, worship, nap,space, neighbor, goats are just a few things to note. I have no idea how I got here. God has to be real just for that alone. I have no idea what’s in store here, all I know is that it’s good.”
All I know is that it is good. Nothing has been more true than this.
I’m sitting here 3 weeks later and still I find it so difficult to put into words how amazing God has been. God is real. I’ve seen Him work so much. He has worked in me in so many big and small ways. I never want to get used to this truth. I never want to get used to how good He is.
If I went home today, I’d be coming home a new creation, forever changed by the touch of Gods hand. Yet, I have 10 more months of intentional prayer, healing, worship, evangelism, deliverance, friendship, and simplicity. What?! But actually, I have a a whole lifetime more of this. The question I keep asking is, God what more will you do in me? I don’t have the answer but I know that it is good.
So then, what has God been doing in me you might be wondering? Let me tell you! Here’s my heart.
- God has been showing me how to ask Him for things. “You have not because you ask not” James 4:2. I’ve really struggled asking for things in my life. Asking for spiritual guidance, emotional counsel, and physical love have never come easy to me. In turn the devil has taken this challenge of asking and used it to seek temporal, worldly satisfaction. This led me astray so many times. This NEVER fulfills. BUT God has revealed Himself to me in this. God loves to give good gifts to His children. All I need to do is ask and learn to wait on Him and receive what He has for me. God is faithful and will never lead me astray. He can only give good gifts because he knows no evil. His gifts are eternal and truly satisfying.
- God has changed my desires. It’s so easy to live a life for yourself and I’ve done that most of my life. I’ve strived to make a lot of money, be physically fit, be in a relationship, make a future for myself, have a great friend group, get all the possessions I want etc. Yes, God wants us to live an abundant life but the secret to doing that is by living for God. I no longer desire what I use to, but I desire to please God. We know that if we seek first the kingdom of God everything else will be added onto us -Matthew 6:33. As I’ve been seeking God I’ve be SO satisfied. I’ve been living abundantly yet funny enough I have lost so many of the possessions and riches I once had. Through getting to know God and seeing the fruit in His purpose for me I no longer crave my old desires. I now crave a further and deeper understanding of Him. Through knowing Him, everything else in my life will come in His time wonderfully and abundantly.
- God has delivered me. This one could take me hours to write but I’ll give the spark notes version of it. I have allowed so many demonic spirits knowingly and unknowingly to be welcomed into my life. Spirits of anxiety, depression, rebellion, shame, deception, fear, and many more that are being revealed to me / will be revealed to me have oppressed me for most of my life. I lived in the weight and torment of these spirits even as Christian. They have stopped me from receiving the fullness and wholeness that is in Christ Jesus. BUT HEY GUYS! As Christians we do NOT have to live this way. We do not belong to the enemy, we belong to the King. He has already won the battle and so as heirs to His kingdom we have also already won the battle. When the enemy tries to attack me I stand on the authority I have as a child of God and rebuke anything that is not of God. The Holy Spirit is faithful to show us what is not of God and fill the spots we once let the Devil have a footing in. Praise God that this is true. Salvation is instantaneous but sanctification is slow. Although God is sanctifying me and has delivered me so much already, I can’t wait for how much more there is to come. I want to be just like Jesus!
- God has given me another family y’all. I’m almost in tears thinking about how blessed I am to say this. Within my own squad I have new and beautiful lifelong friends. I have 13 Kenyan sisters that have showed me the love and joy of the Lord. I have a spiritual mother, named Mama Nancy who has changed my life. Mama Nancy has done more for me than I can begin to type out. She’s showed me who God is, His character, how to love God, how to pray/fast, how to trust, how to depend on God, how to thank God in all things , how to be in communion with the Holy Spirit, and SO much more. I have no doubt in my mind that I’ll be back here in the future. Family is where the heart is and my heart is so blessed to be here.
- God has shown me how to boast in my weakness because in my weakness His power is made perfect- 2 Corinthians 12:9. I’ve struggled with pride a lot of my life but PRAISE GOD I don’t need to be my own savior anymore. I am nothing without Jesus and that is so beautiful. That is SO freeing!! No striving, act, prayer, status, or accomplishment can disqualify me from the love of God and the plan He has for me. Slowly I’m learning to let go of the control I once needed to have, to having open arms to what Jesus has for me. Jesus uses me in my weakness and lack of knowledge for His glory and I don’t need to control anything for this to be true. All I need to do is come with an open and surrendered heart, willing to obey what God wants me to do. This is SO much easier than the way I was trying to live. Gods burden IS easy and IS light- Matthew 11:30. I’m so grateful to know this to be true now.
There are a million little more miracles that God has done. There will be a million more to come. If you would like to hear more or ask questions, I’d love to chat with you. God is amazing, I just want to talk about Him all day! Thank you so much for reading as I show you some more my heart. Y’all are so beautiful. I will keep y’all posted on His goodness and where He has me next. Like I said before, I don’t know where I’m going but I know who I’m going with and He is good.
I love y’all so much!
Peace be with y’all always,
Concetta 🥰🌍🌞🌱
I’m so proud of you Concetta! God is doing great things in your life.
Beautiful reflection, Concetta❤️! So Happy for you! May ahold continue to shower you with his many many blessings! We love you so much!
My heart overflows with love for you. I am so emotional reading your beautiful words. I know God will continue to lead you to your will and continued protection. I love you so much! I wish I could hug you and sprinkle you with mama kisses… I miss you so very much ❤️
I am so proud of you Concetta.
May God continue to bless you and all those around you.
Praying for you , please pray for us too
I love you! ❤️
Love, Auntie Angela
Beautifully written Concetta, I can feel the raw emotion in your words and I am genuinely so happy for you! Miis you more than you know 🙂